Natural Language Processing: An Introduction to Predictive Text

Views and opinions expressed are solely my own.


This post explains the mathematics behind predictive text in natural language processing (NLP), as well as a brief simulation.

Some Jargon

The objective of text normalization is analogous to the concept of tidying data when working with structured data: cleaning up text so that it is easier to work with. Several steps go into text normalization:

  • Tokenization: separating text into individual subsets, such as word tokenization (separating text into its word subsets), or sentence tokenization (separating text into sentence subsets).
  • Lemmatization: the act of converting all words with the same root (e.g., “cat” and “cats” would be lemmatized to “cat”).

There are various algorithms that exist for executing these steps. I won’t be covering these in detail for the current post. However, there are some things that are worth mentioning:

  • What is a word? The answer to this question depends on the application. Filler words, such as “uh” or “um,” may occur when doing speech-to-text transcription and may not be desirable to use in normalized text in some cases.
  • What is a sentence? In English, we can tokenize sentences by looking for characters such as periods, exclamation marks, etc. - but not all instances of such characters can be used to tokenize sentences, for example, the word “Ph.D..”
  • The Porter Stemming Algorithm is one example of a lemmatization algorithm.

An \(n\)-gram is a sequence of words of length \(n\), given by \(w_1, \dots, w_n\), which may also be denoted \(w_{1:n}\). Using the language of probability, we may let \(W_1, \dots, W_n\) be a sequence of random variables and consider the joint probability mass function \[\begin{equation*} \mathbb{P}(W_1 = w_1, \dots, W_n = w_n) = p(w_1, \dots, w_n)\text{.} \end{equation*}\] By the probability chain rule, we may write \[\begin{equation*} p(w_1, \dots, w_n) = p(w_1)p(w_2 \mid w_1) \cdots p(w_n \mid w_{1:n-1}) = p(w_1)\prod_{i=2}^{n}p(w_i \mid w_{1:i-1})\text{.} \end{equation*}\] The product above is, of course, extremely difficult to calculate, but we may choose to implement any number of simplfying assumptions to make the product tractable. For example, if we assume the Markov property holds, \[\begin{equation*} p(w_1, \dots, w_n) = p(w_1)p(w_2 \mid w_1) \cdots p(w_n \mid w_{1:n-1}) = p(w_1)\prod_{i=2}^{n}p(w_i \mid w_{i-1})\text{.} \end{equation*}\] In NLP, the Markov property is known as the bigram (\(2\)-gram) model - i.e., the conditional probability only includes two words. In general, the \(k\)-gram model assumes that \[\begin{equation*} p(w_i \mid w_{1:i-1}) = p(w_i \mid w_{i-1}, \dots, w_{i-(k-1)}) = p(w_i \mid w_{i-(k-1):i-1}) \end{equation*}\] for appropriately chosen values of \(k\).

We estimate these probabilities via maximum likelihood estimation, drawing from a corpus of \(N > n\) words to estimate these probabilities.1 For the \(k\)-gram model, the maximum likelihood estimator is given by \[\begin{equation*} \hat{p}(w_i \mid w_{i-(k-1):i-1}) = \dfrac{C(w_{i-(k-1):i-1}, w_i)}{C(w_{i-(k-1):i-1})} \end{equation*}\] where \(C(w_{i-(k-1):i-1}, w_i)\) is the count of word sequences \(w_{i-(k-1):i-1}w_i\), and \(C(w_{i-(k-1):i-1})\) is the count of the word sequence \(w_{i-(k-1):i-1}\).

One can find the word \(w_i\) which maximizes the above probability based on a corpus so as to predict text.

Simulating Shakespearean Text

We obtain all of Shakespeare’s sonnets in a tidy format using bardr, and then do some additional data cleansing.


sonnets <- all_works_df %>% 
  # show only Sonnets
  filter(name == "Sonnets") %>% 
  # Remove "THE SONNETS", "THE END", and
  # number labels for the sonnets
  filter(!grepl("THE SONNETS", content) & 
           !grepl("THE END", content) & 
           !grepl("^( )*[0-9]+( )*", content))

# replace the character \032 with an apostrophe
sonnets$content <- gsub("\032", "'", sonnets$content)

We will be using a trigram model to perform the simulation. Thus, we gather all unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams from the sonnets and compute their counts.

# gather unigrams
unigrams <- sonnets %>% 
  unnest_tokens(unigram, content, token = "ngrams", n = 1)

# gather bigrams
bigrams <- sonnets %>% 
  unnest_tokens(bigram, content, token = "ngrams", n = 2)

# gather trigrams
trigrams <- sonnets %>% 
  unnest_tokens(trigram, content, token = "ngrams", n = 3)

# compute counts by unigram, trigram, and bigram
unigrams <- unigrams %>%
  group_by(unigram) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>%

bigrams <- bigrams %>%
  group_by(bigram) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>%

trigrams <- trigrams %>%
  group_by(trigram) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>%

Then, we create a third data frame with a predicted word conditioned on a preceding bigram.

# extract predicted (third) word from trigram 
trigrams_pred <- trigrams %>%
  # look for a word, followed by a space, 
  # then a second word and then a second space.
  # replace with blank
  mutate(pred_word = gsub("((\\w|')+\\s*(\\w|')+)\\s", "", trigram)) %>%
  # remove the last word from the trigram: 
  # look for one space, a word (with possibly an apostrophe)
  # right at the end
  mutate(prior_bigram = sub(" {1}(\\w|')+$", "", trigram)) %>%
  select(pred_word, prior_bigram, trigram) %>%

We compute the maximum likelihood estimates of these probabilities using the formula previously given by joining these data.

trigrams_pred <- trigrams_pred %>%
  # join to preceding bigrams data, gather count of bigrams
  left_join(bigrams, by = c("prior_bigram" = "bigram")) %>%
  # join to trigrams data, gather count of trigrams
  left_join(trigrams, by = "trigram", 
            suffix = c(".bigram", ".trigram")) %>%
  # compute maximum likelihood estimate
  mutate(prob = count.trigram/count.bigram) %>%
  # some cleansing
  select(pred_word, prior_bigram, prob) %>%
  arrange(pred_word, prior_bigram)

# clear memory
rm(bigrams, trigrams)

Now, we simulate some text. We will begin with a prespecified bigram, and choosing subsequent words based on maximum probabilities conditioned on the prior bigram.

# function to choose the most likely next word, given a 
# preceding bigram
next_word <- function(preceding_bigram, trigrams_df, seed) {
  preceding_bigram <- tolower(preceding_bigram)
  # show all possible next words based on the bigram,
  # and show the one with the highest probability
  trigrams_df <- trigrams_df %>% 
    filter(prior_bigram == preceding_bigram) %>%
    filter(prob == max(prob))
  # if there are multiple words with the same probability,
  # randomly (uniformly) choose one of the predicted words
  if (nrow(trigrams_df) > 1) {
    next_word <- sample(trigrams_df$pred_word, size = 1)
  } else {
    # otherwise, just choose the corresponding word
    next_word <- trigrams_df$pred_word

# generate some text, with an initial bigram
# sim_length is the number of words of the output, 
# which must be greater than 2.
text_gen <- function(bigram_init, trigrams_df, seed = 50,
                     sim_length) {
  # checks on sim_length
  sim_length <- as.integer(sim_length)
  if (sim_length <= 2) {
    stop("sim_length must be greater than 2!")
  # generate next work based on maximum likelihood estimate
  out <- paste(bigram_init, next_word(bigram_init, trigrams_df, seed))
  # stop if the desired sim_length is 3, otherwise, keep adding words
  if (sim_length >= 4) {
    for (i in 1:(sim_length - 3)) {
      # extract the most recent bigram
      last_bigram <- str_extract(out, "(\\w|')+ (\\w|')+$")
      # append the next word
      out <- paste(out, next_word(last_bigram, trigrams_df, seed))
      out <- str_trim(out, side = "both")

We then use the function above to simulate some Shakespearean phrases, with prespecified bigrams.

# "A friend"
text_gen("a friend", trigrams_pred, seed = 30, sim_length = 10)
## [1] "a friend came debtor for my sake even so being"
# "A fool"
text_gen("a fool", trigrams_pred, seed = 30, sim_length = 15)
## [1] "a fool is love that in guess they measure by thy beauty and thy love's"
# "There is"
text_gen("there is", trigrams_pred, seed = 40, sim_length = 8)
## [1] "there is such strength and warrantise of skill"
# "In The"
text_gen("in the", trigrams_pred, seed = 20, sim_length = 14)
## [1] "in the world will wail thee like a lamb he could his looks translate"
text_gen("in the", trigrams_pred, seed = 30, sim_length = 14)
## [1] "in the world will wail thee like a winter hath my added praise beside"
# "Thou Art"
text_gen("thou art", trigrams_pred, seed = 20, sim_length = 14)
## [1] "thou art as fair in knowledge as in hue all hues in his thoughts"
text_gen("thou art", trigrams_pred, seed = 30, sim_length = 15)
## [1] "thou art as fair in knowledge as in hue all hues in his fiery race"

Next Steps and Conclusion

In the above, I had purposefully chosen bigrams that I knew were likely to work, but one of the disadvantages of the maximum likelihood approach given is that it relies on exact matching to generate phrases. That is, if a bigram does not currently exist in the data provided, the code above would error out. There are probably probabilistic matching methods and other sophisticated ways to deal with these problems.

One may run into numerical underflow problems given the above procedure. We will discuss this in a subsequent post.

It is also worth noting that we did not use cross validation for prediction for subsequent words, or any sort of smoothing techniques to deal with zero-frequency bigrams. These will likely be explored in a future post.


Jurafsky, D. & Martin, J. H. (2020). Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed.). August 21, 2021,

  1. Details are provided in Lei Mao’s Log Book at↩︎

Yeng Miller-Chang
Yeng Miller-Chang

I am a student in the Georgia Tech OMSCS. Views and opinions expressed are solely my own.
